“The world offers you comfort. You were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.”
–Pope Benedict XVI
I have always loved this succinct quote from Pope Benedict. It’s a jolting statement that both convicts and motivates me.
And so does this particular, albeit more informal version: “Get out of the Catholic baby pool!”
This blunt directive is not a quote from a saint or a pope—it is something I wrote several years ago in the journal I use at Eucharistic Adoration. The words came to me quite suddenly, an unmistakable holy whisper to my heart, as I sat silently praying in the Adoration chapel and asking the Lord for guidance and direction. This was the answer I “heard” from him.
Well, Sistas, I don’t know if you’ve ever laughed out loud in an Adoration chapel, but let me warn you that if you do, you get some funny looks. I couldn’t help myself; it cracked me up. My Lord really knows how to speak to me on my level!
After I gathered myself a bit, I started to process this clever little inspiration. The truth hit me hard: As a Christian, I had been going through the motions and spiritually sleepwalking for a long time…
Read the rest of this post over at Catholic Sistas here